
Diane Hillmann, currently Partner in Metadata Management Associates LLC (formerly Research Librarian, Cornell University Library and Director of Library Services and Operations of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL)) has been involved with Dublin Core since its inception. Among other things she was the editor of "Using Dublin Core," former administrator of the AskDCMI Service, and former member of the DCMI Usage Board. She was the founding Moderator of the DCMI Vocabulary Management Community, and remains Co-Moderator of the DCMI Bibliographic Metadata Task Group. She is active in the library standards community, having served in the past for several terms on the now defunct MARC Standards Advisory Committee (MARBI) as a liaison from the law library community as well as a LITA representative. She currently represents the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative on the ALA Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) discussing new Resource Description and Access (RDA) standard [RDA] and providing technical support for the transition to the new descriptive environment. In addition, she served as the Standards Coordinator for the Library Information Technology Association (a division of the American Library Association) and currently serves on the NISO Content and Collection Management Topic Committee. While at NSDL she was responsible for the NSDL Metadata Primer and participated in the Digital Library Federation OAI and Shareable Metadata Best Practices Working Group. She was co-PI with Dr. Stuart Sutton for the first phase of the NSDL Registry (now the Open Metadata Registry (OMR)) and continues to work on OMR registry development. Hillmann has worked extensively in digital library development for the past 15 years, and brings important project management and metadata experience to MMA projects.

Jon Phipps From an early start in the typesetting business writing software to support data conversion and publishing, Jon wandered into the Cornell portion of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) in late 2001 where they made the mistake of feeding him. Jon served as technical lead for the NSDL Core Integration Group at Cornell and co-PI of the NSF-funded NSDL Registry (now the Open Metadata Registry (OMR)) and helped build the ground-breaking metadata based infrastructure for the NSDL. He has been involved in standards development, both within the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative and as a member of the Semantic Web Deployment Working Group. While working with the latter group, Jon was co-editor of the W3C "SKOS Use Cases and Requirements" note, and co-editor of the update to the W3C "Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies" technical report. More recently, Jon has been contributing to the technical infrastructure behind the new version of the Resource Description and Access (RDA) standard.